Koala Segmentation Engine - One Size Does Not Fit All
Traditional industry thinking for the past 30 years around data organization has been:
- Manufacturers buy data from a syndication company
- They spend months creating a single data hierarchy to define how they view their categories
- Every 2-3 years they spend a few months to redefine that hierarchy to adapt for category changes and new products
In the modern world, that is no longer an effective paradigm.
The retail/CPG industry changes too quickly with new products, new channels, and new consumer touchpoints. Data management needs to be a real-time business process to remain competitive. In addition, manufacturers have access to more retailer direct POS data than ever before. That creates opportunities to take control over your own data assets rather than relying upon outside 3rd party companies who don't understand your business needs. |
Our analytics platform quickly and easily ingests any attributes from your raw, unstructured data to help you organize your data for your analytical needs.
Koala's platform includes a powerful and intuitive visual interface, allowing the user to see your data relationships in real-time as they are created.
Whether your segmentation needs are:
Koala allows you to create custom item level definitions on-the-fly, without the need for DBAs or IT involvement. We make data management easy, and put the data structuring decisions in the hands of those who know the data and know what needs to be done with it. |
Custom Hierarchies
While segmentations allow you to roll your data up into groupings, they only provide you with a limited focus on performance and opportunity for one aspect at a time – brand, flavor, size, etc.
And because you sell to multiple customers, we provide the ability to have multiple hierarchies to suit any category definition, territory grouping, or business analytics need. You are no longer limited by having to choose just one definition.
Automated Rules - Intelligent Design
Analysts spend too much time dealing with data and not enough time actually analyzing it. The major reason for that is having to spend so much time reworking data and managing it, rather than using it to develop real insights to drive growth.
Koala allows you to create segmentations and segmentation hierarchies on the fly quickly and visually, but it does so with an analytical point of view. We also allow you to store the “recipe” for those groupings to make them dynamic for every data update.